Information for Doctors

Dear Doctor,

Thank you for your interest in the services of Ambulatory Anesthesia Associates. We look forward to working with you and your staff.

Our scheduling process is designed to make using our services as easy as possible. Once a patient has been scheduled, our office staff will contact the patient or guardian and perform a complete review of the medical history. We also obtain insurance information and make financial arrangements. If the patient has insurance coverage, we will file the claim for our services as well.

If your dental office is located in Pennsylvania, please find below a link to a suggested form letter to be completed on your letterhead, and signed. This letter must be sent to the State Board of Dentistry, informing them that you intend on using your office for the administration of anesthesia. This letter also confirms that your office meets the Board’s facility and equipment requirements. The equipment requirement will be met when we transport our equipment to your office.

In order to satisfy facility requirements you are also required to provide a full oxygen tank (E size or larger) fitted with an adjustable flow regulator that is capable of delivering oxygen through a nasal cannula at a rate of 1-15 liters per minute. A secondary backup oxygen supply is STRONGLY recommended.  In addition, the State Board requires you to work with a chair-side dental assistant during these procedures.

We, in turn, certify to you that appropriate monitoring equipment will be used during the administration of anesthesia and all equipment will be in proper working order. We further certify that all of our doctors have completed and maintained clinical and equipment inspection certification.

Although you are not required to hold an anesthesia permit to utilize our anesthesia services, you are required to complete 5 hours of continuing education specifically related to anesthesia per license renewal period. These credits can be part of your overall requirement.

Please contact our office with any questions.

Ambulatory Anesthesia Associates


Click to Download PA Commonwealth Letter